Developments with the MYOMODEL project


Jan 2010 Protocol with the `Carol Davila' University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, for using medgrid, their grid-connected supercomputing facility, and jointly explore issues of intensive computation in electrophysiology, particularly electrophysiological side effects of antineoplasic drugs.

Jan 2009 Complete finite elements model of activation and repolarization of the heart ventricles with ECG generation on full body surface maps.

Dec 2008 Analysis of the stability of the ventricular myocyte membrane models.

May 2008 Populational model of the myocyte electrophysiology with a web interface. Incremental estimation of maximal ion channel conductances starting from the shape of the action potential.

May 2008 Implementation of a Kurata-type model of the sinus-node cell membrane.

March 2008 First version of the JCS system for the management of simulators and simulation results on parallel computing installations.

Jan 2008 CESE-compatible version of the guinea pig ventricular action potential model described by Faber & Rudy (2007), including detailed Markov models for the L-type Ca channel and RyR, and improved Ca dynamics in subcellular compartments, adapted starting from the CESE version of the LuoRudyII model (Java source code of the modified main program and Java beans) to be inserted in /cese/models/com/javable/cese/models, and compiled version included in the Java archive luorudy.jar, to replace the reference version in /cese/bin/models)

anatomic model of the ventricles

Anatomic elements and their connections in our mammalian ventricle model.