Myomodel project results

  1. [preprint] Inhibitory effects of cenobamate on multiple human cardiac ion channels and possible arrhythmogenic consequences, Bogdan Amuzescu, Alexandru Dan Corlan, Beatrice Mihaela Radu, 2023
  2. Evolution of mathematical models of cardiomyocyte electrophysiology Bogdan Amuzescu, Razvan Airini, Florin Bogdan Epureanu, Stefan A Mann, Thomas Knott, Beatrice Mihaela Radu Math Biosci. 2021 Apr:334:108567. doi: 10.1016/j.mbs.2021.108567. Epub 2021 Feb 16.
  3. Transcriptomic uniqueness and commonality of the ion channels and transporters in the four heart chambers Sanda Iacobas, Bogdan Amuzescu, Dumitru A Iacobas Sci Rep. 2021 Feb 2;11(1):2743. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-82383-1.
  4. Assessment of proarrhythmogenic risk for chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine using the CiPA concept Urs Thomet, Bogdan Amuzescu, Thomas Knott, Stefan A Mann, Kanigula Mubagwa, Beatrice Mihaela Radu Eur J Pharmacol. 2021 Dec 15:913:174632. doi: 10.1016/j.ejphar.2021.174632. Epub 2021 Nov 14.
  5. Kinetics methods for clinical epidemiology problems A Corlan and J Ross 2015. Proc Natl Acad Sciences USA 112 (46) 14150-14155 Supplementary material (population model of atrial fibrillation)
  6. Stability and sustained oscillations in a ventricular cardiomyocyte model Bogdan Amuzescu, Adelina Georgescu, Gheorghe Nistor, Marin Popescu, Istvan Svab, Maria-Luisa Flonta, Alexandru Dan Corlan Interdiscip Sci. 2012 Mar;4(1):1-18. doi: 10.1007/s12539-012-0116-y. Epub 2012 Mar 6.
  7. Electrocardiographic patterns of early repolarization attributable to increased transient outward current in the subepicardial region. A simulation study. European Heart Journal ( 2009 ) 30 ( Abstract Supplement ), 491
    [ Abstract] [ Poster]
  8. Increased transient outward current in the subepicardial region can explain the slurring of the QRS. A simulation study. A.D. Corlan, B.P. Amuzescu, I. Milicin, L. De Ambroggi 36-th Congress of the International Society of Cardiology, Wroclaw, 24-27 Jun 2009
  9. Feasibility of estimating maximum ion conductance parameters from the shape of the action potential. A simulation study. A.D. Corlan, B.P. Amuzescu, I. Milicin, G. Nistor, M.N. Popescu, A. Georgescu, M.O. Vlad Biophysical Journal, 2009, 96 (3): 664a 53-rd Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society, Boston, 1-4 Mar 2009
  10. Stability and oscillations in a ventricular cardiomyocyte model studied using the tools of dynamic systems analysis and bifurcation theory M.N. Popescu, G. Nistor, A. Georgescu, A.D. Corlan, B.P. Amuzescu, C.I. Barbu, M.L. Flonta Biophysical Journal, 2009, 96 (3): 664a 53-rd Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society, Boston, 1-4 Mar 2009
  11. Early repolarization (J) wave association with other repolarization features A.D. Corlan, B.M. Horacek, L. De Ambroggi. 35-rd Congress Int. Soc. Electrocardiology, Sankt Petersburg, 18-21 Sep 2008
anatomic model of the ventricles

Reconstructed nuclear scan image from a parameter of the anatomical model.